PM&DC earns recognition from World Federation of Medical Education ensuring standards
ISLAMABAD: Pakistan Medical & Dental Council has earned the recognition from the World Federation of Medical Education (WFME) for the next ten years.
By now Surgeon Rehman must have identified “Brotherene Yousuf ” among HCPs, Bureaucracy and the Politicians
PESHAWAR: Surgeon M. Rehman is an eminent cardiac surgeon of Pakistan whose contributions to promote the discipline of cardiac surgery are enormous. On return from abroad, he started his professional career as Cardiac Surgeon at the National Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases.
LRH organizes competition among Trainees on Current Evidence Based Practices
Peshawar: Lady Reading Hospital organized an academic competition among the trainees of the institution which was conducted by Dr Syed Imran Bukhari, Associate Dean Research, Dr Muhammad Faisal, Associate Dean PGME and Dr Zafar Iqbal, Associate Dean UGME.
Workshop on Synopsis and Scientific Paper Writing at JPMC
KARACHI: Prof. Nighat Shah, Professor of Obstetrics & Gynaecology at Jinnah Postgraduate Medical Center organized a Pre-conference workshop on Synopsis and scientific paper.
Increased body and abdominal fat caused insulin resistance in Teenages will increase T2DM risk
High fat mass in adolescence causes insulin resistance, which can lead to a vicious cycle of worsening insulin resistance and obesity by young adulthood.
Air pollutants affect cardio metabolic health even at low levels
Exposure to air pollutants, even at very low concentrations, was associated with adverse changes in cardio metabolic risk factors in a recent Finnish study.
Certain combinations of Gut bacteria protect stem cell transplantation patients
After stem cell transplantation, the donated immune cells sometimes attack the patients’ bodies. This is known as graft versus host disease or GvHD.
Speakers advise students to follow discipline & uphold professional ethics
MUZZAFAR ABAD: White Coat Ceremony for the newly admitted students was organized here at AJKMC on Monday February 12th 2024, celebrating the admission of 110 high-achieving MBBS students.
About 150 Cataract surgeries performed at 35th Vision Eye Camp
KARACHI: About one hundred fifty cataract surgeries were performed and six hundred patients examined at the Vision Eye Camp organized by Vision Eye Care, an international relief organization dedicated to the prevention of blindness.
Rabia Moon Institute of Neurosciences offers comprehensive diagnostic, treatment and rehabilitation facilities for neurological disorders
Karachi: Despite all the bad publicity Pakistan gest in the world media, the mess created by corrupt and power hungry politicians, massive financial and intellectual corruption prevalent in our institutions, corrupt elements in the society.
MIT’s newly developed wearable device may alter ultrasound imaging landscape, says GlobalData
The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) has created an ultrasound sticker that can determine the stiffness of internal organs for early disease detection.
WHO publishes first-ever guidance on the Clinical Management of Diphtheria
GENEVA: WHO has recently published the first-ever guidance on the clinical management of diphtheria. The only previously available guidance was an operational protocol.